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The process of removing the mycelium from a substrate bag when growing mushrooms and putting it in a container for fruiting

It's fully grown through.
On sunday, we dunking.

by chujo January 10, 2020


When you go into dunkin' donuts with Shit flying, hanging, or spewing out of your ass.

Me: Did you hear someone went into Dunkin' Donuts projectile diarrhea-ing?
Someone else: Yea! They were totally Dunking.
Me: What the fuck.

by Pissblooded December 9, 2021

Slam Dunk In The Trunk

A sex move where one person shoves a basketball into another persons ass.

Steve: I gave my gf a Slam Dunk In The Trunk last night!
Bruce: Wow you fit the whole ball in there?
Steve: Yeah I made it work.

by Ya boi Sero June 21, 2022