A Canadian $5 bill that has had Wilfrid Laurier modified to resemble Spock from Star Trek.
Kevin handed the cashier a Spocked Five, uncertain if it would be accepted.
To shag someone from all 4 nations that make up the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland) as well as the bonus peak in the form of the Republic of Ireland.
Just porked Emma that welsh lass, another peak conquered.
on four out of five peaks, just got Scotland left.
When a teacher says high five but you are on the other side of the room
Great job... ur so far away so side five!
Sometimes, nobody is around to celebrate with when you do something great. Or, maybe they are, but they aren't impressed with you. So, get to master-fiving!!! Put your right-hand up. Put your left-hand up. Slap 'em together as fast as you can until you're satisfied, and gratified.
John sat alone in his garage, changing the oil on his '67 Dodge Dart. After cranking the oil pan nut once last turn, he realized he was finished. So, he looked around for a friend to high-five, but was disappointed when he remembered he was alone. Without hesitating, he began master-fiving himself. Happy ending, indeed.
A Hines five is an open handed smack on the ass. Like a high five but on the butt.
She gave such a good blow job when she turned around to go clean up I gave her a hiney five
A symbol of celebration, used to express excitement, when two participants in a game receive the same score or end result. Similar to a high five.
Jimmy and Joe both received 95% on the test and celebrated with a tie five.
From the First Church Of Satan (FCOS) Come The Five Commandments Of Satan (FCOS):
1) Thou shalt love thy neighbor's wife until her husband comes home from work early one day, catches you in bed with her & kicks your ass! 2) Thou shalt not covet what I have stolen from you because you shall never get it back! 3) Thou shalt not take my name in vein unless if you are using a syringe containing all of the letters of my name within it, but you must never share the needle! 4) Thou shalt not bow down before any other god but me or I will come up from behind you & get busy! 5) Thou shalt turn the other cheek until your neck twists around & breaks, your spinal chord rips in two and your head falls in your lap!
"I prefer the 42 Laws of Ma'at over the Ten Commandments and the Five Commandments of Satan."