n. Freedom Moochers are individuals or groups that reap all of the benefits of freedom while neither participating in the preservation of such freedom noir contributing anything of substance or relevant options towards the perpetuation of said freedom.
Mostly amoral or morally subjective creatures they either abhor American Patriots and Patriotism or participate actively in “plastic patriotism” also known as “faking the funk”.
A closely linked cousins to the shitbag, a freedom moocher will have never served communities or country, and rely completely on the actions of others for their provision.
Antonym: Freedom Feelers
Freedom Moochers hate the military.
Freedom Moochers hate law enforcement.
Freedom moochers hate the 4th of July.
Freedom moochers prostitute themselves hoping for perestroika
Just turn on the news and you’ll hear multiple freedom moochers tell you everything wrong with anything related to freedom.
Freedom Central = The United States of America
The Freedom Monument is a monument in the center of Riga, where English tourists love to pee and shit.
Mate, do you want to piss? Let's go to the Freedom Monument.
A person who willingly sacrifices their freedom for the greater good of their country, community, or cause. This term is often used to describe individuals who have been imprisoned for their political beliefs, activism, or involvement in revolutionary movements.
Nelson Mandela was a true prisoner of freedom who spent 27 years behind bars fighting against apartheid in South Africa.
To get severely liquored up and fall and eat it on the ground.
Guy 1: Did you see that drunk guy wipe out on the pavement?
Guy 2: Yea he got housed on the rock of freedom
Describes the feeling/state of living in an environment that promotes freedom of choice and will in all aspects of life but makes decisions and life changing decisions for people without their consent or thought of mind.
The Black Lives Matter Protest is all apart of the Freedom Charade.
Kim: "I wish there was something to sum up all of the oppression and discrimination going on in the world."
Stacy: "There is, It's called the Freedom Charade."
Any type of nut butter that is not the type found in jail/prison. I recommend sunflower butter.
I had my first taste of freedom butter today!