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noun: This disease is caught at some random point in life while in the presence of another carrier/host's fucktardedness. It lays dormant until the carrier/host behaves in the most supremely idiotic way that fucktarditis activates to then completely envelope the host.

CAUTION: HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. Symptoms: "Karen"/"Ken, unbelievably extreme narcissism, traits are random and weird af. There will be no mistaking fucktarditis when you see it, now that you have accurate information.

At this time there is NO CURE for fucktarditis.

fucktard (noun):
1)More than your above-average idiot.;
2)Someone who takes regular run of the mill insanity to Magma Cum Laude levels.;
3) Self inflicted retardation.

*(1) Casey caught fucktarditis when he kissed a girl on a dare. They are currently invading people's personal space, spreading fucktarditis at an unbelievably rapid rate.

8(2) Watch out!! The fucktards are coming. Hide EVERYTHING!

by *gypsy*soul* August 4, 2022

Sir Fucktard

Sir Fucktard is a person who will fuck anything up by just being associated with a situation. This includes relationships, work activities, social activities and life in general. Sir Fucktard plays them self up to be the most privileged asshole around and you are always beneath them. They also will fuck up your work day with incompetence and laziness. In social aspects, Sir Fucktard gets eye rolls at the bar and people tend to flee them like a wet fart.

1. Sir Fucktard just ruined my weekend by not doing his daily systems maintenance.. asshole. 2. This guy just tried to hit on me at the bar but his douche bag vibe came off like a Sir Fucktard.

by EmailTechSupport July 21, 2017

Dumb Ass Fucktard

Dumb Ass Fucktard: a fucking dumb ass whose fucking retarded.

Steve: “holy shit that Dumbass Fucktard just cut us off.”

Brian: “That was a cross walk.”

Dumb Ass Fucktard: a dumb asshole whose fucking retarded.

by Needlebeetle69 September 19, 2020


Someone who is beyond stupid. Beyond retarded. They are just fucked in life.

That poor dude is just hopelessly fucktarded. He lost in the game of life.

by Chloeform May 31, 2021


(Fuktarded) ignorance with emphasis

Wow! That guy was really being fucktarded

by Jaxtrax69 May 29, 2017

Niggery Niggerity Fucktard Faggoty Nigger

A person who is a Nigger, Faggot, And a fucktard.

your a worthless motherfucking Niggery Niggerity Fucktard Faggoty Nigger.

by BadassMan87 February 11, 2024

ice cream fucktard

A person who is extremely arrogant about their inferior ice cream preferences to the point that they deminish other people's ice cream preferences. They of course will eat any ice cream, but make sure everyone in the room knows that the ice cream is inferior.

The ice cream fucktard asked for a scoop of my Blue Bell, and then had the audacity to complain that it wasn't Scoops ice cream.

by Othelia November 8, 2015