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mr. burns

very old and weak powerplant owner and boss of homer simpson

"What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man?"

"Why, my good man, you're the fattest thing I've ever seen, and I've been on safari."


by clevelandsteamer July 20, 2005

204๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

[Mr Pregnant]

Absurdist YouTube comedian who makes bizarre gross-out videos. Often wearing his trademark snaggly, nasty ass fake teeth, he sings pop songs, makes prank calls, or wreaks havoc in public. A lot of his comedy involves his making fun of himself, in particular his so-called "manboobs" or "stink tits."

His most famous video to date is "Big Girls Don't Cry," in which in he offers his interpretation of the class Four Seasons song.

"Shnacker Shnaw!" shouted Mr Pregnant as he galloped across the field in a pink leotard.

by AJR41885 October 22, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mrs. Miles


The worst old hag teacher EVER.
Talks and talks and TALKS about NOTHING.
She likes to call this "teaching."
but, in all reality its just BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Tyler- "blah blah blah"
Mrs. Miles- "tyler ROLL HOME"

by OMG NO ONE HAS THIS NAME! January 18, 2011

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Mr Do!

Another one of those early 1980s video games. Mr Do is a little man who harvests groups of cherries and tries to shoot marauding goblins. You may drop an apple on their heads and squash them.

You may also shoot an "alphamonster" which is in effect a letter E, X, T, R, or A with legs. All letters hit awards an extra life. Some features of the game are rather like Pacman.

If your musical taste is such that you like listening to the "Can-Can" then this game is for YOU!

Just scored a quarter of a million on Mr Do! Yesterday I lasted 12 minutes before it killed me off.

by Kevinhants September 14, 2006

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Mr. Masson

A math teacher that coaches baseball, who talks very loudly (almost screams.) Gets off topic very easily. Knows drama more than students and reenacts fights infront of class. Favorite number is 13. Makes up own hand signals. Best teacher ever!

I wish I could be a Mr. Masson.

by firstperiodbdale2012 October 26, 2011

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Mrs. Nadeau

The worst possible lunch lady in the world who works at Highland School. Fat, chubby, annoying, nosy. Get a life Nadeau.

snobby lunch ladies Mrs. Nadeau

by plasticrain January 31, 2009

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Mr. Gibbons

Term used only to address the most Badass cool people of life. If someone is a mister Gibbons then you better love them cuz everyone else already does!

"Mr. Gibbons!"

"I love Mr. Gibbons"

-Oh how I wish I could be like that Mr. Gibbons
>Look at him dunk that 720ยฐ Windmill
-Holy shyt!

by Mr. Gibbons February 23, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž