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Really pretty girl, bright brown eyes looking for a perfect guy, a loyal and guy gotta be cute.
She’s a really nice and kind girl!

Maddy is such a pretty girl!

by Bigdaddy904f555v August 30, 2018


If you have a maddy in you life you better treat her well! Maddy is very loving and crazy she is a daring person. She is mostly sleeping or talking about wanting to sleep! She loves her friends! Maddy is loyal and caring. She is hoping to find a good boyfriend that will actually talk to her. If you have a maddy in your life then you better be kind to her and love her! She is a very sensitive person! She attracts all the guys and she is normally shortish with long blond hair and has such a a great personality. She is always helping people with their problems. She is a teachers favorite. Everyone wants a maddy in their life. Everyone wants to be near her or her friend. So treat her well!

Wow I love Maddy’s she is so funny and loving!

I want a maddy in my life!

by James dole September 9, 2018


If you have a maddy in you life you better treat her well! Maddy is very loving and crazy she is a daring person. She is mostly sleeping or talking about wanting to sleep! She loves her friends! Maddy is loyal and caring. She is hoping to find a good boyfriend that will actually talk to her. If you have a maddy in your life then you better be kind to her and love her! She is a very sensitive person! She attracts all the guys and she is normally shortish with long blond hair and has such a a great personality. She is always helping people with there problems and everyone wants to be her friend or near her!

So treat her well!

Wow I love Maddy’s she is so funny and loving!

by James dole September 9, 2018


Some Maddy’s can be nice. Those Maddy’s are beautiful shining stars.

Maddy is normally a very rude person. Sometimes she can be nice but sometimes she might stab you in the back.

“Who’s that new girl?”

“That’s Maddy, she’s cute right?”

by September 9, 2020


A Big weeb but she is the nicest most sweetest person you can date she will hug you when your sad and make you feel better

i wish i could date maddy she is so sewwt

by MARLEY HERMAN February 21, 2021


Head social
Stay positive

Have you seen maddy

by Masdddddddsssss January 1, 2021


Maddy is a super sweet and caring girl. She is hilarious, super hot, and the best person to hangout with. Super loyal and will always stand up for her friends. The best girlfriend you would ever have. She also is a god at rapping.

Youre such a maddy

by Bobross77 March 12, 2019