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Mini Dick

A penis size of 4 inches or greater in length.

That guy had a mini dick becky, I'm such a bitch for pretending to cum.

by Jeff the mini dick guy June 8, 2019

Mini twix

A person of the African American community with a less than average penis

Did you know Javions a mini twix

by Real obese January 17, 2018


False concern that leads to collective confrontation of a group member or friend who has gone astray from the thinking of the rest of the group.
This is usually based on fading youth and the fear of being a lonely childless cougar is mixed with a sense of misdirected responsibilty.

Originally derived when a hottie woman who becomes a mom, chooses to drive a MINIVAN and reflects negatively on the fashion sense of her childless but socially conscious friends.

Did you see what Cheryl is driving? Some one HAS to tell her that unless she chooses an SUV instead of the mini van, she is going to have to choose a whole new set of friends.
Well,at least the baby is cute and in style.
OK, girls, then its agreed. If she is truly worth saving as a friend.
We do a mini-vention!

by bkmdano December 5, 2009

Chicken mini

A midget who works at chick fil a

I saw chicken mini today at chick fil a

by Saucedad69420999 May 14, 2023

Mini Max

Mini Max is a derogatory word for someone with a small dick. If you consistently call someone a Mini Max it undermines the kids self-esteem and makes him feel bad about something he can’t control.

Sally: “hey suzie, how was your date with the hot guy yesterday?”
Suzie: “You mean Mini Max?!?! It was a disaster! His dick was so small it was embarrassing! I sent him home crying.”

by TheManThing November 22, 2017

Mini Main

A character in either team based or fighting games (main), that a player uses less frequently then the other favorites.

Yeah I main as Batman and Flash, but I mini main as Harley Quinn from time to time. (Injustice 2)

by DaUltimateShape August 4, 2017

mini bash

A game involving punching a friend on the arm or leg when you see a mini. Seeing a yellow mini results in 5 punches or 'bashes'. Rumour is that a gold mini means 10 punches.

Yellow mini. Mini bash! 5 punches in the arm

by the gingerbread man September 25, 2013