Big juicy white cock, usually pulls so many bitches, averages a 30 piece in basketball. Extremely athletic and extremely funny. As you go to sleep you can never hang up on him as he continuously runs through your mind.
Nate is a great guy.
Big juicy white cock, usually pulls so many bitches, averages a 30 piece in basketball. Extremely athletic and extremely funny. As you go to sleep you can never hang up on him as he continuously runs through your mind.
Nate is a great guy.
He is the best person you can meet. He is athletic, smart, and overall the best boyfriend you can have. He is very loyal to you
Person #1: Yo did you see that Nate at the party last night
Person #2: Yea he was getting all the girls
An absolute weirdo from the northeast who’s rich but denies and has a foot fetish and is also leading on a prince from the middle east
Amy c: Nate such a freak
Amy k: i agree
Jo: don’t say that he’s my boyfriend
Hes really nice guy. If someone is in trouble Nate is there for that person. Hes quick to fall in love with because hes so perfect. Hes like john travolta but better in every way and is hard to make him fall in love with you.
Nate is a person who changes there mood quicley and out of the blue one day he might be smoking crack the next he might be snorting that same crack so you never know! Bu Nate is overall a chilled fuck! He poops at alligators.
The hottest most sexy person in the world that has a massive cock and is the straigest person and pulls someone named your mom