When your little gal is a carbon copy of you, her mom, and you seriously look at her and wonder if you had a baby with yourself. Not just appearance, she acts exactly like you, including all the snarky, sarcastic, and annoying things about you. She is the lower case mama.
Did you see Poppy flip the ole' bird to that old man trying to tell her what to do? She is 100% your lower case mama.
When a woman keeps her shit clean, fresh and tight, “just in case” she meets the man of her dreams so she don’t leave any stank on his hang low
KB was on the prowl looking for some man meat, so erry morning she washed, shaved and freshened up so she always had that Just in Case Pussy!
When a male is charged with a sex offense case this includes being charged with a pedophile case, indecent exposure, or rape
Johnny flashed a playground of kids and was charged with a skin case
A man (possibly a manchild) who is obsessed with the color blue. He even dyed his uncircumcised dick blue. If a girl has blue hair, this boy WILL cum instantly especially if they are a THICKN.
He likes blue, that man is a Noah J. Case.
This came about due to a famous tennis coach by the name of Carlos Casely who hosts Tennis Camps for kids for summer vacation. After all the kids are registered for camp, the camp suddenly gets canceled right before it starts because of some unforeseen circumstance and Mr. Casely runs away with all of the money.
So if someone you know collects money for some cause or event and does not follow through and keeps the money...they just pulled a Casely.
"Don't pull a Casely".
A case that’s goes on a pillow covers in poo
Ahhh. Who took a dump on me pillow!!’? Oh now it’s a pillow poo case..?