Source Code

five round hustle

taking 5 shots back to back

"you guys down for a five round hustle?"

by hoesquad October 20, 2017

The Big Round Table

The Table around which The Sociopathic CEO's, SVP's, VP's
with their JD's, CPA's, MBA's, and 4.0GPA's sit for their morning meeting to discuss how to Screw their Customers/Clients out of their money without having to do anything to earn it.

The Big Round Table where high level meetings are held at any large firm especially but not exclusively The Legal, Financial/Banking Companys.

Brewery Co. Meeting: VP says "Hey Guys if We add a gallon of water to every barrel of beer We could increase production 3% Nobody would be the wiser."

Bank CEO: I have an idea "If We tell customers what a great idea it would be to help them save by moving a dollar from savings to checking everytime they use the ATM they will think We are doing them a favor. Reality is it will make the checking account almost impossible to ballance so we can get those overdraft fees up."

by Jotojoe March 19, 2013

Round 13 rush

A rush where boosted regen rainbows are sent. This rush is so annoying and you will encounter this rush in 9/10 games. This rush is absolutely no skilled and used by noobs who can't win games. Usually a sign that they are going to round 13 rush you is farm sell, tower sell, or saving up money. You should be prepared to defend at round 12 (ex. get ready to put a tower). Maelstrom blades, ring of fire, big bloon buster, bloon trap, operation dart storm, dragons breath and/or summon whirlwind are affordable and efficient ways to defend round 13.

player A: *rounds 13 rushes player B*
player B: defends round 13 rush and givess *face palm emote*

by AmazAlien December 28, 2022

If we wait for him to atart rounding up jewish people to call him a fascists

You weren't fucking doing that you dork. You weren't preempting his fascism. He had a vaguely fascist thing about violence keeping people civil... I'm like, that's like fascism and you're not Joe Rogan... And then he started DOING a fascism... And now I'm the highest status man on the planet because I created A.I. I'm the only one who can stop him!

Dork "If we wait for him to atart rounding up jewish people to call him a fascists..."

Hym "You weren't fucking doing that you fucking hippy!"

by Hym Iam March 5, 2024

live round

Sperm, live sperm. Used when a very young or an old man can get a woman pregnant.

He had a kid when he was 70? The mad lad was still shooting live rounds.

by DRousseau November 27, 2022

Raufoss round

A type of 50 BMG bullet that is designed to take your bitch.

Oh shit that's a raufoss round. They go for 80 dollars each

"This bullet is designed to take your bitch" - Brandon Herrera

by Monkey buys monkey boys November 25, 2023

Uber round

One more round of drinks at a bar/pub because you dont have to drive.

Hey Kevin, you don't need another drink, you can barely stand.

Kevin: "it's ok, I'm having my Uber round.
Friend: Party on then, Kevin

by Cupist January 16, 2018