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Hacker Spaces

A place where Art Students and others who lack the essential self-direction to be Real Hackers go to acquire Geek Chic with their snap-together Arduino kits bought online.

Person A: Last Saturday evening I attended the local Hacker Spaces advertised in the recent MAKE magazine. I showed them my $30 MP3 Arduino shield. It was soo Cool. There was even a guy there giving lessons on how to use a soldering iron!

His Dad: Christ. You're 32 years old. Learning to use a soldering iron is what 10 year-old nerd kids figure out for themselves.

by c.j.b March 11, 2011

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Space Shuttle

A type of Shit that has three stages like actual space shuttle first comes a violent out pour of fecal mater leading to the big one then ending in a nice slow one.

man i am sore after that space shuttle i just took.

by Rusty Shackleford45 September 1, 2009

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space madness

noun: severe coricidin addiction steming from the feeling of "being in space" that high doses of DXM in the form of coricidin cough and cold will give you specificly refering the the attendant insanity that comes with a coricidin addiction also coming from an episode of ren and stimpy.

"man frank really has space madness"

by fred c hastings May 19, 2005

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space dog

the act of picking up a small pup and pretending its a spaceship.
in order to do this correctly, you must pretend the pup can fly and run around with it in your arms. it also can be noted that you need to make plane noises for dramatic effect. doing all of this will result in extreme fun.

hey charlie, wanna play space dog?
picks up the pomeranian and starts running around *pshhhhhhhow* *pshhhow*!

by ashbagggggggggg March 4, 2009

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Space Daddy

Elon Musk.

"I'd let Elon Musk do me on mars."
"he is such a Space Daddy"


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A Space-face is a person that looks better on Myspace than they do in person. The person usually takes angled photographs when the lighting is just right to make them look their best and they almost never take photos from the waste down.

For Guys: "I met up with this girl at a bar that I know from Myspace. She was a total Space-face. I hit it anyway though."

For Girls: "I can't believe Josh left me for her, she's such a Space-face."

by Diego Alonso November 14, 2006

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Space Eater

Any person that takes up more space than normal, either because they are big boned, a close talker, a pack rat, or just spreads out their ish over a wide area.

"...you might want to step a side, it looks like there is a space eater coming this way..."


"I hate having conversations with that dude, he is such a space eater."


"With such as small apartment, I had no choice but to break it off with that space eater."

by good burrito December 4, 2008

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