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1) To pretend a conversation has reached its end, a subtle (or not) attempt to cut off what the other person is saying and conclude matters immediately.

2) A disconnect in conversation wrought by distraction.

Lora: "So then my uncle calls me back and starts telling me all about his . . .

Jeff: "Well, that's great, so I guess I'll talk to you again really soon."

Lora: "Don't you short-talk me."

by LowTrainLora October 17, 2010

44πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Pillow Talk

The silly chats you have after having sex. generally a lot of nonsence but is a way of holding onto those amazing moment when you can be close to somebody!

i love having pillow talk, we can say anything and giggle

by spaner January 14, 2011

544πŸ‘ 360πŸ‘Ž

smooth talking

The skillful act of twisting yourself out of deep shit and picking up the one and only girl you want.

"Oh my goodness, you're so good at smooth talking!"

by Smoothtalker February 21, 2015

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

circle talk

A person/conversation that continually forgets what was just asked, and the same question repeatedly comes up. Usually associated with a medicated person. (Also see circle talker)

bob: how long were you there?
gil: about 10 minutes
bob: really
gil: yes
bob: so how long were u probably there?

by Gary aka G-MAC May 2, 2005

116πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Talking Sideways

Making insinuating remarks while using often exaggerated references to someone or something else. This way if confronted, it can be denied- like a passive aggressive little bitch. Common among gay males and females.

While glancing at you, pretending to talk about something else: β€œThat guy Is an asshole! He’s such an asshole.” β€œBitch, quit talking sideways.”

by S Alan February 17, 2020

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Man Talk

A personal talk between two or more close male friends. Similar to what girls do in each other's bedrooms, just not in each other's bedrooms, and without extreme amounts of crying.

Guy 1: What were you doing last night? You weren't on Live.

Guy 2: I was having a Man Talk with the guys.

by MustardTiger009 March 6, 2011

25πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Keef Talk

Main Entry: ke ef talk
Pronunciation: \ˌkee-Ι™f-ˈtaw-lk\
Function: adj.
Etymology: Midtown Atlanta from various Vogue Competitions
Date: 21st century

1 : an act of speaking like a gay/downlow coon.
2 a : a statement expressing the essential coon like speech of young mole like male from the mean streets of gayLANTA.

i was voguing girl and some dude tried to blane the bad music on me. (the misspelling is keef talk)

girl bye! i was burussian my waves with my new brush and some nigga in skinny jeans asked me to do his hurr.

i had to cut my dreedlock off girl. BYE!

by Fatugaaaaa April 14, 2010

27πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž