A person who walks around asking people about fight rule.
Did you see Doug being a fight rule creep?
Creep-B*tch ; where homie/homegirl/bf/gf swoops , homie hopper , ONS .
Once my girl fell asleep, her bestie started f*cking on me , she a creep b*tch .
Friend 1: Did you see how that guy was staring at us as we walked by?
Friend 2: Yeah, he’s a real creep-kabob.
Ew, such a creep-kabob.
I felt so uncomfortable what a creep-kabob.
"Power creep" is a term used when new releases of characters are too strong. Making previous characters
"Man, the new characters in this game are too overpowered. The power creep in this game is insane."
Similar to the brilliant reach-around, but rather than a stroke and a poke, a gentle cradling of the balls and some sweet
talking is in order.
Dang shorty. What you got on that creep around? Keep the creep on the down low.
A situation where gradual progress in a fetid or unwanted romantic process, initially following a consistent and foreseeable path. Making gradual and often unnoticed movement leading towards sometimes unwanted bedroom attention, including but not limited to, special trouser kisses.
My husbands hand performed a linear progress creep last night when he came home drunk at 2am and I was trying to sleep in bed.
A 6th sense most have about whether people are a creep or not.
"Oh my god some guy just asked for selfies and my address my creep radar is going off"