An engorging penis.
"Stop talking dirty like that or I'm gunna poppa smurf."
The act of tonguing a persons anus with such ferocity that the recipient finds themselves “clean” upon completion of the act; as well as the provider of such services finding themselves blue in the face from lack of consistent oxygen while attaching themselves to the surface of some lucky persons anus more efficiently then the vacuum at the car wash when it catches that Dunkin’ Donuts bag in your back seat.
Dude, I ain’t even gonna lie, that girl gave me a full blown clean Smurf, in the backseat of my Focus none the less, so yeah you should absolutely fuck her if you can make it happen
Someone is a doinkle smurf if they take such a long hit from a blunt that their face turns blue. Doinkle smurfs are at every party in America.
I wish that doinkle smurf would share the blunt.
One of the most beautiful people in the world. JJ smurf is one of the best people you’ll ever meet. If you know JJ then you are truly lucky, do not let JJ go.
“hey do you know jj smurf”
“omg ur so lucky”
the result of being turned on for so long that your "little boys" turn blue, see blue balls
we made out for so long that I got smurf syndrome.
Smurfed, having caught a sexually transmitted disease after drinking fireball at packers
She went to the bar, met a guy and caught a purple cunt smurf
"In the hidden recesses of the internet, an eerie entity known as Smurf Cat emerged, a Smurf with a cat's face and a snail named Escargot on its back. Created by a mad scientist, its mission was to manipulate the internet through awful memes. Smurf Cat spread atrocious content, rendering unsuspecting users vulnerable to its influence. Its goal was simple: to dumb down society by making terrible memes irresistibly popular. With an army of devoted followers, it aimed to take over the world by reshaping it in its own twisted image. While this story is purely fictional, it serves as a darkly humorous take on the power of memes and their influence on the internet."
omg i wanna kill myself if i see another smurf cat meme