Knocking someone out with your fist or an object
"Aii Man from me blud move or ill bang you one time"
1. To annoy, irritate or mildly upset someone, sometimes unintentionally; grind one's gears, tick one off, get on one's nerves, rustle one's jimmies, overcook one's pasta.
Derived from a misinterpretation of a phrase from "An Experiment concerning the Spirit of Coals, a letter to Robert Boyle" by John Clayton.
2. (obsolete) To break a seal, and possibly, the object(s) it adheres to as a result. Usually in relation to chemistry equipment.
1. "It really forces my lute when fonts use the clearly inferior and much uglier double-story lowercase letter "A" (а) rather than the superior, easy-to-write, sleek and beautiful single-story lowercase "A" (ɑ). But what forces my lute even further is the fact that the eyesore of a symbol that is the double-story lowercase "A" has managed to slither its way into most modern typefaces, becoming the standard with, bafflingly, barely any public pushback. The first letter of our alphabet truly deserves better."
1. "I decided to take Gerald somewhere different for lunch. I think the buger-bungeps we were served were forcing his lute, and he was in a bad enough mood already."
1. "A light that bright and harsh could easily force one's lute as they're trying to sleep."
2. "...At first there came over only phlegm, afterward a black oil, and then likewise a spirit arose which I could noways condense; but it forced my lute, or broke my glasses."
shorter way to say "everyone".
"ev-one keeps acting so weird lately."
- "what the hell is ev-one??"
"means everyone, it's just shorter."
A fascist or racist. Or a man who primarily uses intimidation and untrue conspiracy theories as a means to prove he is a man, which most of the time isn't true.
I've always thought to myself, "Wow, Hitler is a one ball prick."
1. Completely loosing it. (often, but not necessarely under the influence of alcohol)
2. Literally just landing on the floor.
To fall into one's tomatoes: "Yesterday I drank to much wine and whilst trying to get in bed I fell completely into my tomatoes."
A sexual position carried out buy inserting your testicles into a girls vagina then in turn jerking it on her belly button.
last night i gave a girl another set of ovaries , im telling ya man , the Reverse Two in one fucking hurts
When you kiss and touch someone like a fool around with someone because you like each other
Reyes: Hey, Mario are you going out with Alejandra this weekend?
Mario: yes I am.
Reyes: nice! You are going to get some touch ons!!