A person who grifts his way to internet fame, fooling thousands into believing his lies are true.
Oh, look, the fat man who claims he is losing weight is Pulling a Danna. He is eating entire rotisserie chickens, dinosaur nuggets, sodies, and birthday cake is fudging his weigh-ins, and is bigger than ever.
Someone who cancels plans last minute, using ill-timed naps or other drivel instead of admitting they would prefer to not proceed with said plans.
We were alread at the bar when he decided to pull a Rankin on us
When you expose someone for being a predator and having a secret child in diss tracks.
“Did you hear that Olivia is going to expose Sam for being a predator and having a secret child in her diss track? She’s pulling a Kendrick.”
intransitive verb:
1. To commit to purchase something from a fellow classmate, and then buying it from someone else
2. To be profusely sweaty in a cold room at 8 am
transitive verb
1. To screw one over
The wench committed to purchasing a t-shirt from me, but at the last minute, she pull a Sydney on me and bought one from another wench, leaving me out to dry ): !
Finishing top 5 at the end of the season and then choking in the playoffs.
My friend asked how’d it go, I said said we pulled a Maple Leafs meaning we choked
Pulling a maple Leafs: Choking in the playoffs.
choke yer chicken, flog yer dolphin, polish yer bayonet, palm yer poker, massage yer manhood, stroke yer stoker, Bob yer knob, all synonomous
when ya see her juggs, you'll to pull your puddin
When you really like somebody and not really tryin to see anybody else. (No more messin around with anybody else means you're no longer a pimp.)
You about to wife that broad, I'm about to pull your pimp card.