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Brick Sexhouse

To completely obliterate someone(s) or something.

I jumped off our battlements with my medic and Brick Sexhouse'd the entire enemy team.

by TrapJohnni January 11, 2013

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shit a brick

to actually excrete a brick

Guy 1: Oh my God, who put A BRICK in the toilet?

Guy 2: Oh that was me... I had a bit of trouble getting it in there...

by loz July 1, 2003

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brick shithouse

A descriptive term of approval used to describe the figure of a woman as being voluptuous.

Random posted a picture of her navel piercing and I noticed that she's built like a brick shithouse.

by Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head March 5, 2006

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An ugly fat woman with a mustache that likes to run her daughters life and ruin perfectly good relationships so she can retain her power over her daughter. Daughters tend to be little bricks. Also see Bitch,StupidBitch,Devil

Did you see what that Brick did to her daughters relationship

That brick says stupid stuff

If your girlfriend's mother is a brick, RUN!

by rogueleader12 March 10, 2009

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brick law

A law that SHOULD be inacted that gives drivers the right to hoof a brick out of the window at another driver that they deem stupid!

If you're driving and someone cuts you off, you in turn cut them off and yell BRICK LAW. Meaning, you SHOULD have the right to hoof or throw a brick out the window at them.

by Krissy Poo May 9, 2007

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Going insanely mad at something.

John: Aw man I ate Sally's last piece of cake.
Ron: Oh man she's gonna Shit-a-Brick.

by Lauchris August 1, 2010

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When something randomly stops working, (taking a crap, or eating a brick), in a technological sense. See also Telebrick.

Where's your l337 machine?
It took an e-brick


My comp ate an e-brick today. Like it always does.

by Tim Meuer January 5, 2006

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