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Hyro Da Hero

Epic mix of Hip Hop and Rock music in one band! Hyro Da Hero are one of the best "Gangsta rock" bands ever!! Frontman: Hyron Fenton Jr.

person 2: FUCK YEAH WHO DIDN'T?? :'D
person1: YEEE, HIGH FIVE!!!
person2: I LOVE HYRO DA HERO!!!

by MrJamalxD April 20, 2011

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Guitar Hero Effect

Medical term referring to the dizziness and wavy vision that can occur after playing Guitar Hero.

After two hours of Guitar Hero World Tour, everything around me seemed to be waving and morphing. I was experiencing the Guitar Hero Effect.

by Definitions Anonymous February 20, 2009

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Juke Box Hero

1. a star whose songs grab a lotta coins in a jukebox so those specific songs are played.

2. of course, the term is also the title of a 1982 hit by the band Foreigner. It's from their epic hit album "4" (yes, that's the name of the album!).

1. whenever I was in Papa John's pizza joint with a girlfriend or solo, I'd often put in 50 cents to play "Astronomy Domine" by Pink Floyd. It sounds like some sort of "rock'n'roll Star Trek". In that respect, Syd, Roger, Richard and Nick are juke box heroes.

2. When I saw Foreigner live, the concert concluded with "Juke Box Hero" and just before the coda there would be a smoke bomb exploding with a thunderous boom on stage and emitting green smoke.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 5, 2009

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heroes never die

Literal translation: you're fucked

Mercy's ultimate ability, raising fallen fallen allies
Did you just single- handedly eliminate the entire enemy team, NOT ANY MORE! with this, they come back, WITH A VENGENCE!
usually accompanied with lots of afks, and death for the enemy team.

*team dies*
*Pharah dies*

by Cheeky_monky_co_ October 10, 2017

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Guitar Hero Trippin

When you play a whole bunch of guitar hero, and then you look at other things and they seem to scroll upward.

Jimmy was playing Through the Fire and the Flames on Expert, and beat it at 97%. When he turned away from the screen to look at his friend Jamie, he realized he was Guitar Hero trippin.

by pap3r.ninj4 August 3, 2008

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Guitar Hero Nerd

A person who learns about metal songs/bands from playing Guitar Hero.

Metal Head: Hey, have you heard of that band Metallica?
Guitar Hero Nerd: Yeah, from Guitar Hero.

by fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou December 1, 2010

minimum wage hero

A person that works for a minimum wage job, or close to it, usually in Wal-Mart, Best Buy, McDonald's, Applebee's, Quiznos or a bank that takes their job too seriously and acts like they own the business. If the place was being robbed, they would fight the robber. They scrutinize every coupon coming in like they work for the FBI. They spend inordinate amounts of their own time and money taking care of the place, often coming in on their own time "to see how things are going." Many have the impression their efforts will eventually be rewarded with a better job with a living wage. That is true sometimes, but when it isn't, they have lots of trouble figuring that out. Most of their fellow employees hate them.

A great example of a minimum wage hero is Jennifer Aniston's co-worker, Brian, from Office Space, and his "flair."

Michelle is a minimum wage hero because she virtually works 24/7 at Best Buy, likes to hang out at work on her days off, and even though her boss doesn't pull his weight, she does everything for him for $8 an hour. She thinks she will become a district manager someday, but she's been there for 5 years and hasn't even been considered to run a store!

by Jay Samson August 9, 2009

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