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Singapore Math

A form of “mathematical acupuncture” that could relieve non-Singapore teachers and students of math anxiety, if they experiment with problem-solving heuristics like the bar model method and stack model method, while experiencing the pain of brain-unfriendly questions.

Although a number of countries that embraced Singapore math have seen significant improvement in their students’ math scores, however, without parental and societal pressures for a nation to become numerate, at best cosmetic changes would result even with the best math curriculum in place.

by MathPlus July 14, 2018

600👍 680👎

Singapore Math

The mathematical equivalent of having brown rice rather than white biryani rice. An unsexy, wholesome math curriculum that is healthy to the mind, but brain-unfriendly for most students, who need to force themselves to mastering the concepts confidently.

Like taking cod liver oil, which is good for the body immune system, Singapore math may look unappetizing, but after spending a few hundred hours practicing thousands of nonroutine, impractical or sterile questions, your brain can only get mathematically stronger and healthier.

by MathPlus May 20, 2018

585👍 666👎

penis math

penis math is a mathematical expression that relates to how boned a guy's penis is.

"The angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of the meat" is simple penis math!

by eda-skip October 5, 2021

455👍 518👎

buttsecks math

The technical explanation of why male/male relationships are so popular with heterosexual women in fandom.

Buttsecks Math is a fairly simple equation! Even your boggled boyfriend can get it!
1 pretty man = good

1 pretty man + 1 pretty man = better

kissing = very good

(1 pretty man + 1 pretty man) kissing = doubleplusgood

by Regimus Prime January 5, 2007

13👍 10👎

math class

a modern form of torture used to subjugate and enforce the rules of "acad-e-mic-s" upon the slobbering youths

Bob feared his math class, and thus did not attend the gathering of defunkified zombies, instead opting to go and visit the bathroom for between 45-120 minutes

by Ghandi September 23, 2002

14👍 10👎

Singapore Math

When math-smart yes-members of Parliament and cabinet ministers in Singapore—who are versed with all the big numbers of their million-dollar salaries and bonuses and the nation’s trillion-dollar economy—appear quasi-clueless on how to deal with the alphas, betas, and deltas, which has resulted in a daily unhealthy number of corona infections in recent weeks—could these half-street-smart politicians outwit these Greek viruses and variants?

Although the government has provided a safe haven for thousands of tax fugitives from both rich and rogue nations, and created a materialistic milieu that motivates both locals and aliens to deify the money god, however, Singapore math ministers’ social living-with-Covid experiment looks like they’re indulging in some trial-and-error political calculus with the lives and livelihoods of the people.

by Covido February 5, 2022

49👍 81👎

IMP math

The thing that will kill peoples futures in college and take rape every person who tries to pass it.

Student: IMP math sucks.

Teacher: I know. I wasn't trained for this...*grumbles and walks away without helping student*

by Xadon January 19, 2011

6👍 3👎