The few days after Christmas in which one of your relatives or friends realizes they forgot your gifts. They then go to your house to drop them off. Thus causing the After Christmas Effect.
My Grandma just came over with an After Christmas Effect. She forgot our presents again... This happens every year.
Calling friend who caused laughtershock to inform them of such.
Laughing hours later at Mike's joke, Jay called to inform him of his " after laughtershock"
When a liberal gets the issues after doing something stupid
Liberal after affect means
Joe Biden"let's increase taxes on everyone in the USA so help support strip clubs" Conservative" No, you idiot, that's a horrible idea"
While having a number two, it's the second piss that let's you known you are done.
"Just had a quality dump, finished off with the after piss!"
The intense piss you have to take after an orgasm.
"brb, after-piss."
The waxy residue on the roof of your mouth after eating Captain Crunch.
Man, that Captain Crunch was so delicious. I wish it didn't leave so much after-film.
To get drunk and then get a hangover before going to bed.
I got totally shitfaced yesterday afternoon, and then later on that night I had a terrible hang after.