Friend 1: why is his name Amanda when he clearly looks like a dude?
Friend 2: cuz he's a Man, Duh!!
Mystical, beautiful, kind, and loving. When Amanda enters a room you can sense her positive presence and good vibe. Always the most fit. Best cook in town. Without a doubt the best on the Franchise and in the entire Supreme region. Heck. She’s the most amazing person in all of JFQ.
“Dang, I wish I could be an Amanda”
“Yeah that beauty over there, we call her Amanda”
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The greatest trick ever pulled on the world was an Amanda. Amanda will fulfill your life on every level. Her looks are head turning, her talents are unrivaled. They sense the importance of themselves and their abilities, redefining the word arrogance as a positive virtue. The moment Amanda's entourage would rather give up both legs, both arms and live out their days in a satin box on her dresser than to be with out her, Gotcha bitch! Calculated, malevolent, heinous and vicious. Legend has it that the devil possesses Stull, Kansas and every seventh year he brings one of his daughters to live undetected amongst us. Also known as a cambion, Amanda's are the devil and they are here to do the devils work.
We regret to inform you that while you were a close second, we went ahead and went with Amanda to fullfil the vacancy.
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Amanda, stemmed from the Latin amor meaning worthy of love, or to love. People with the name Amanda are natural born leaders. They wear their hearts on their sleeve. Amanda’s are confident in their decisions and meticulous in their methods. People tend to look to Amanda’s for structure. Amanda’s speak their mind with no regrets.
Ex 1: I wish I was as bold as Amanda.
Ex 2: Amanda is loyal to a fault.
Ex 3: Amanda does whatever she wants.
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A gay girl that loves her girlfriend so much. She has curly hair and eats a lot! Make sure to lock your cabinets when she comes over!
Person #1- Hey is Amanda coming over?
Person #2- Yeah she is, why?
Person #1- Make sure you lock up those cabinets, shes like a pig!
The woman that surprised everyone , her eyes pierced any soul to the core a smile that can not be matched, a body out of this world and possibly the shittest Fortnite player around but she makes the world a more happy place tho secretly I someone loves her but will never say it.
“The woman who will rule the world AMANDA”
i think amanda clark is a perfect little goblin guy who i would simply let ruin my life. i think she’s kind hearted (although she’ll tell you otherwise), i think she’s show-stoppingly beautiful, without makeup and with (although she’ll tell you otherwise), and i think she’s one of the best things to happen to me in a long while.
she’s outstandingly funny, and she’s so easy to talk to, about anything, really. she has the cutest voice that i could listen to narrate her story’s for hours upon hours. she has very animated eyes when she speaks, and is never afraid to speak her mind. she’s not an ordinary girl, more alike to a work of art.
amanda clark is the basement wood stove, of a cottage in vermont
amanda clark is the breath of life may gives april each year
amanda clark is the kiss of a lifetime in any cheesy movie
amanda clark is the loveliest girl i have the privilege to call mine <3
1: hey, can you hangout?
2: no, i have to waterboard amanda.