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Anas is a very hench iraq man with an average sized penis. He usually will have a buzz cut and has no interaction with females. Typically, he is a blunt person who does not hold back on his thoughts. Has an N word pass. He best friend is submissive to him and will readily give him head.

Your such and Anas.
Omg, your the best friend to my Anas

by theharrogatespringwaterman December 16, 2021


A man with dashingly good looks and a heart so caring and pure. He has the most captivating dark eyes, you could stare into them for centuries on end and never get sick of them. His smile lights up the room and his laugh brings joy. The sound of his voice alone is the cure to all ailments of the heart. His intelligence is unreal. His presence is appreciated by all who know him. He carries himself in a way you can't describe. If he runs away with your heart, it's impossible to turn back. Everything he says and does is simply perfection. Ibrahim is a role model for all men and is every girls dream boy.


by Dan baba February 6, 2020


Ana is an amazing friend who will give you their hairband after doing your hair people say she is short but they used the measuring tape wrong, she is actually 6FT and taller than I will ever be.

She is an amazing friend, person anything she is to you.
Absolutely immense

p1: Did get a hair band

p2: Yeah Ana gave it to me :)

by AnaIs6Ft October 13, 2021


The name of an amazing man with beautiful striated muscles and an amazing back with deep definition. Also he has an massive

Dang…you see that back??? That’s gotta be Anas

by Samsterfolife November 23, 2021


Beautiful complexity

Ana is always thinking and caring for the people she loves. She would do anything for them.

She doesn’t share her feelings and she is a living mistery. She knows her stuff but she is fragile deep down.

Ana is just me now: finding out myself in the world.

by fritzhoward November 22, 2021


Anas is a uncommon name, however he is really a angel sent from right above.He is known to be artsy and with creative skills. You will feel your life complete when you meet a Anas. He is gifted with dark honour and funny as hell. Most of them also have great taste in music. :) He is also lazy at times but with the person the like they are not.

Ali: who is that? So classy!
Me: that's anas

by -z , dark vibes <3 November 24, 2021


A short woman, who is a fan of wires her whole locker is filled with wires. She has weed which she likes to define called Seaweed. If she asks you for weed call the police. She is a fan of anime which someday she can be an anime character.


by stupidwoman February 25, 2020