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To out of the blue ask your girlfriend who you have not kissed yet if you can kiss her yet.

bf:I hate Mr.Smith's class!
gf:I know its the worst!
bf:Can I kiss you yet?
bf:Can I?
gf:Stop benning

by Thisisabadpseudonym October 17, 2014

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Ben is one stupid guy. He is also a Dumbass. He is also wanting to fight some pussywho doesnโ€™t want to fight, but, it never happens. Ben also does very idiotic stuff. One time, he made it so the teacher couldnโ€™t get in from outside, and then he got a behavior card and then he cried. One time at the table, he said he could beat everyone in basketball, and then it was time to go to recess, and when they got out to recess they started playing basketball. It was really funny because you see this one guy with really good ball handling and he literally broke benโ€™s ankles. He was actually Pissed. He started punching the guy because he was so mad. Then you think a fight could last 5 min. Long. Instead, it lasted 2 seconds because Ben got punched in the Face hard. So, now weโ€™re all asking Ben, why heโ€™s such a pussy to fight anybody now.

Me: What the fuck is Ben doing?
Ben: Why did this happen to me (in a slow drunk voice.)
Me: Go fuck yourself in a whole drunk bitch.

by Idioticpersonovertherebtw May 13, 2019

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A fuck trash can who spent too much money on fortnite then to quit after never winning a single game

He is such a ben. he is so bad at fortnite

by foooosh June 13, 2019

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A dirty little boy trapped in a mans body no matter how old he will grow to become, he is desperate and heartless sometimes but other times he can be really funny and a great friend! Associating with Ben can be a gamble weather he makes ur life better or a misery but oh well! BEN DOUGHtY

Leah: Ben asked me out yesterday

Tia: yeah he said he liked me 2 days ago

Chad: we only broke up last week

Maisy: I donโ€™t remember going out with him

Grace: fucking dickhead

by Prichardthepriest August 3, 2019

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Ben is an gay, one of the gayest you'll ever meet. He is quiet though, until u get him alone and he becomes the gayiest and gay guy ever. He gives the BEST gay!! If you hug him you may instantly fall in love with him cuz he lures guys in cuz hes gay! He loves music and will try to make that one girl happy, but cant get a girl ex de, no matter what he does he seems hopeless. He is also very shy and even a little insecure at times, but if you meet him you will be one of the unluckiest people on earth cuz he will gay on you.

ben is such an gay

by awesomecoolguynamedcool December 19, 2018

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Ben is usually friends with all and doesnโ€™t have any best friends

Example: donnacha

Ben is not donnachas best friend

by Big_mama123 April 25, 2019

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Atheist edge lord who hates all LGBTQ, but might be one also. Minorly resembles Hitler and is a massive asshole. Acne ridden and has a massive nose; looks like an aryan and a Jew at the same time. Also has a suicidal girlfriend.

Ephraim: what is BEN doing?
Josiah: probably killing Jews.

by ThePeacock December 11, 2018

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