When the financial situation is horrible, so you're not quite a broke boi, but a broke FEIN
you aint nothing but a broke FEIN FEIN FEIN FEIN
One who possesses no actual money. A Broke Boy James will often “flex” on the gram to appear as though they have made it in life. In reality a Broke Boy James lives in a studio apartment and spends all the money he makes on steroids and Peach flavored Burnett’s.
Did Broke Boy James call you? He keeps asking me for money.
Is Broke Boy James going to be there tonight? Because I will not be going if he’s there.
Did you see what Broke Boy James posted on IG today?
People who prosper daily... when you catch up with them twice a year they always have something new going on...
They don't know shit about Game of Thrones but if you have an idea to start a business, they'll shepherd you all the way to the profit land.
What the fuck is a Broke Futurist??
Remember that guy from HS who didn't grow up wealthy but now you see him in Lamboz & PJs...? That's a Broke Futurist.
to lose self control but with a binge like appetite.
Your wife has been trying very hard to quit a nasty porn addiction but she broke down and now can't stop.
term used for when you separate from somebody you were never in a relationship with. but somehow emotionally attached to them.
“What happen to you and shae?” “Oh, we just broke down.”