Euphoric exclamation uttered when you think you're done with a package of cookies, but hidden behind or underneath the opening, or at the bottom of the package, you find one or two more.
-Are there any cookies left?
-No, I just ate the last one. Wait a minute... Chips Aha! Want one?
When you finish your Mc Donald's and there's a few chips left at the bottom of the bag.
that was a nice Mc Donald's (looks in bag) oh yes! Some surprise chips left over!
The act of rubbing one’s clitoris on the edge of an object/surface until said object/surface begins to break down
My clit felt sore from ice chipping my countertops.
When a hot chip is inserted into the foreskin of a penis then eaten by another person
The bowser chips are pretty tangy dude
Something a dumbass bus driver calls a bag of chips
ay yop niglet pick up yo chip paper ya heard
Basically the most badass chip on the motherboard. AKA Basic Input/Output System, it manages basic computer settings regardless of the operating system. But who cares about that, what really matters is that it's called a DIPP chip.
Nerd: You're a DIPP chip.
Jock: wtf did you say to me????????
One who is very excited about consuming mexican food from the popular food chain Chipotle.
A deep desire to consume Chipotle that has gone beyond the standard excitement to consume food and is now become more comparable to sex.
Secondary meaning - Having a large amount of chips in a game of chance like poker or roulette.
I got a chip-boner right now.
I am getting really excited for chipotle, I am about to pop a chip-boner.
Alternate Use : My tower of chips is huge it is a chip-boner. I am doing so good at poker i am getting a chip-boner