Source Code

Fart Finger

a finger one shoves up their arsehole to induce farting.

In order to let out some gas, John used the old Fart Finger and was able to let out a few rips for some relief.

by Shit_4_Brains January 7, 2008

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Fingering Party

A leisurely-social gathering whereby the consenting persons partake in the act of manual penetration for an extended period of time. Refreshments are typically served.

Danny: "Wanna have a fingering party in your basement tonight? I'll bring the lube."
Brad: "I don't know, I'll ask my mom."

by Max Vaysman January 10, 2012

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finger sucker

someone who sucks fingers during intercourse and gets plessure out of it!

Danielle was a finger sucker to Lacey during sex....all night long

by Tomi-Lee October 27, 2006

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Leg Finger

A toe, as defined by someone who wants you to know they are 40% better than team seniors and managers, but don't mis-interpret anything negative that is said.

Sorry, I can't come to work today. I think my leg finger has an infection. I am going to the doctor.

by Wsosos January 20, 2012

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Rollie Fingers

1. Pitcher from the seventies who has 341 career saves and a kick ass handle-bar mustache.

2. sweet ecstasy that causes muscular contractions in the hands and will cause the user to pass out and have vivid dreams/hallucinations. Used by many pro tetherball players.

1. Rollie Fingers pitched for Oakland.

2. My friend Matt and and I were tripping on rollie and played tetherball for two hours.

by Gary Silverstone November 21, 2006

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finger omelet

Female masturbation. When a woman is fingering herself so fast that it looks like she is whipping some eggs.

Jennie would rather sit at home and make a finger omelet than go out to the bar and have fun.

by Falco73 June 28, 2006

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Sausage Fingers

^as above^
Also known as 'well hung' in lesbian circles.

"Daaammnn... that chick over there's gote some big sausage fingers. I'm getting horny just looking at them"

by Johnny Pot Smoker September 3, 2003

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