Source Code

russian roulette

A STUPID game of chance played with a partially-loaded REVOLVER.

The idiot cop who used an automatic pistol was playing Polish Roulette.

Six Crips sat around playing Russian Roulette, which is not a bad thing for Crips to do.

by Bumkicker Slade April 25, 2005

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Black Russian

A brand of luxury cigarette made by Sobranie but no longer available, at least in the United States. Black Russians were wrapped in deep brown paper and sometimes had gold tips and had a flavor a bit like Nat Shermans. They were the best cigarettes ever made.

Black Russians had so much tar and nicotine their sale was banned.

by Roody October 14, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Drunk

Being extremely drunk off vodka. A person who is Russian Drunk may be found arguing, fighting, slurring speech, or passed out in the bathtub.

We are going to get Russian Drunk off this SVEDKA.

Man that fool is Russian Drunk!

by milehighjoe January 20, 2012

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Russian River

When a purse strap flows though a woman's breasts. AKA Purse Boobs.

Check out the Russian River on that fat chick! That's purse strap is getting great separation. "Russian" is used to mean titty fucking and "River" is...well you know.

by Sir Lix Alot July 26, 2015

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When you look up someone famous on Wikipedia, like an actor, and check their early life.
Every. Single. Time.

Wikipedia, Early Life
John Smith was born to parents of English, Irish, German, Hungarian-Jewish, Polish-Jewish and Russian-Jewish descent.

by KockaKola December 23, 2021

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Russian Fartlette

A game whereby you have to try to fart without following through. Particularly tough when you are suffering from diarrhea!

Mum, I'm not feeling well and need a clean pair of pants...again.

Ah bless you darling, you been playing Russian Fartlette again?

Yeah, I'm 2-1 down now!

by Ricardo The Judge June 10, 2014

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Wandering Russian

A man that will wander over to you, and offer sage like advise. May be in the form of an insult.

My friend came over for dinner. When she left she had a flat tire and asked that I come out to help her. The Wandering Russian was near with his kid and walked over to us, saw that when I went to remove the wheel nuts that the tire was moving. He said that we needed to put the emergency break on (which i asked her and she said she did). She opened up the car to prove it was in fact, on. Then he reached in and really put the break on. He then turned to me and said, "Never trust women when it comes to cars".

by iadas August 10, 2011

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