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Junior Maverick

One who is not yet a maverick
aka. Curtis Schulze, James Caldow

Runkle: "You wanna see what Curt and Caldow are up to"
Sam Travers (THE Maverick): "who? junior maverick's 1 & 2? nah they are such kooks!!!!"

by maverick1691 March 3, 2012

Summit Hill Junior High

A boof ass school full of hoes, potheads, trannies, and pedophiles.

Bob: Yoo remember Mr. Mecher from summit hill Junior High bro
Mike: yeah dude he was funny as hell
Bob: Yeah bro he groomed some girl and got sent to jail
mike: nigga what

by Big Diggas Nick December 20, 2022

Egan Junior High School

Ok ok Egan was good and all but then my crush denied my invitation ;;--;;; i asked why and she said 'bcuz ur ugly' and everyone in the school argeed. the teachers did nothing to stop bullying andmy feelnigs got hurt. they could have done a bette rjob teaching BUT nO they Didnt. :(((

Billy: Is Egan Junior High School good?
Gerald: No lol

by Kpop Pitbull360 June 2, 2021

New Jersey Junior Mints

Sardines in Louisiana hot sauce

Hey man you know what sounds good for lunch today is some New Jersey Junior Mints

by Scrappinkappen October 21, 2018

Junior senior slut

When a junior is the senior slut in every situation

Look at how that junior is the senior slut out of us all, theyre a real junior senior slut

by Thedude $_76 October 3, 2019

junior corniel

Real one

"aye you know junior corniel?"
"oh you mean the real one"

by not junior March 17, 2014

Junior Cruise

When friends in two or more cars travel to a destination that is not far away and is not important.

Anyone up for a junior cruise to McDonalds?

by Vicars Bridge August 30, 2008