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bowling lane regular

A woman that can be found at the bowling alley enjoying a pack of Newport cigarettes and a 6pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon on a nightly basis. She will likely have jacked up teeth from a crystal meth addiction and tattoos boasting her 4 illegitimate children.

It was supposed to be boy's night out, but Kevin just went home with that bowling lane regular.

by zdidit January 1, 2011

Toker's Lane

An popular spot near the Ball State campus where students go to participate in recreational activities, usually illegal ones. Usually when people go to Toker's Lane they use one of many key words, such as: "I'm going for a walk", "headed to the alley", "taking the circle"

Student 1: where you headed?
Student 2: taking a walk
Student 1: Toker's Lane?
Student 2: you know it

by KayRJay September 18, 2008

Relapse Lane

The Road you drive past in order to get to a bigger city with more opportunity. Yet those times where you have just a little bit of fuck it In your system or the succubus @ 245 relapse Ln calls and it drags you right smooth off through the sailors gap…..pretty much a hamster wheel with a revolving door.

Human being #1 : “Man I sure am thankful I haven’t fallen back down the ole relapse lane here recently, look at poor human being #3”

Human Being #2 : “ Man that #3 dude thinks he’s got it made, and he has lost his house, vehicle, kids, his fucking dignity all to house #245. Poor fool doesn’t even know it but he’s been ate up and spit out by relapse lane.”

by Nofunwhentherabbithasthegun👈🏼 July 10, 2023

lane slide

To change multiple lanes at once and cause problems in the process.

also known as: lane sliding.

Person 1: Do you see that car ahead?
Person 2: Yeah, I can't believe he is trying to lane slide.
Person 1: OMG, he just forced that car to brake causing a car to hit them!
Person 2: Lane sliding should be prohibited..

by Anonymous11010111 August 15, 2017

Lane Sample

Lane Sample the kid at Pensacola beach with the loudest truck but still doesn’t get laid and has a big sclong but still doesn’t get laid. He is known for reving it everything we’re he goes. His truck is a pos but everyone still loves it!#rattlecankustoms

Lane Sample is a ugly mf fucker

by Hsgendyrhebf April 30, 2019

James Lane

The phrase James Lane is used when a junior in highschool, goes up to a freshman in an empty highschool classroom and sticks his or her hand down the other persons pants, without consent.

Dude did you hear about John? He totally James Laned that girl the other day!

by Ikay..66 November 14, 2018

Lane Switching Tango

When two people keep switching lanes in an attempt to not cause an accident. Typically caused by people who blindly merge.

Man, I was driving to work and this lady nearly hit me and made me do the lane switching tango.

by Rusty BallsR 69 October 29, 2021