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Lilly is an amazing girl that is cute and charming and always makes people happy. Lilly is so amazing and one of the best people to be with.

Lilly is so amazing

by Arianagrandefanyuh November 25, 2021


A self centered bitch who has all the time on her hands but still just sits around looking for man hoes on Snapchat all day

If your name is Lilly you definitely a hoe

by Monsterschlong69 March 3, 2024


She aspires to find like-minded sisters to collect the juiciest pickles.

You’ll find Lilly in the dining hall standing on a table with a sign asking “who has the juiciest pickle?”

by littlemisspickle July 18, 2024


A Lilly is an amazing, hot mess of a person, but a total vibe that no one else can pull off

Person 1: I don’t know about you, but I think she could totally be a Lilly.
Person 2: Yeah, I can definitely see that

by xo.xo.gossipgirl March 18, 2023



I don't want to to lilly she's like that guy in lord of the rings

by Shadowofhonesty August 8, 2021


Lilly is the coolest person EVER. She hates everyone named Max, Isabella, & More. BUT she is very fun to hang out with and she is very stupid.

Emmalee: Have you met Lilly?
Anabella: Best person ever.
Juliana: SURE but she is pretty stupid.

by lilly_is_swag April 11, 2022


she‘s cool,funny,cute & my love of the life
she is the best girl in the world<3333
i love she so much damn, he is my heart

lilly, wenn du das siehst merk dir eins, ich liebe dich über alles mein herz wir stehen alles durch.
Nicht‘s wird uns trennen außer eine stange.❤️

by feres November 21, 2021