Sex that happen anytime between the hours of 2 am - 5 am.
“Me and Jenny had lost files sex before I came into work this morning”
The crazy crippled suicide music guy who makes music and poems about mental illness, chronic pain, and suicide. Came up on reddit and gained underground popularity in the /r/folkpunk and /r/chronicpain communities.
Did you hear that suicide music guy Lost In The Sauce Band yet? You should check out his SoundCloud before it gets taken down.
Im pretty sure the cripple dude Lost In The Sauce Band is going to kill himself eventually. Hes been saying that for years now
Sitty disposition. ;cant seem2conect
We were all lost in twakelations
Used to describe someone who seems confused, disoriented, or out of place.
For example, someone "wandering around like a lost fart" might imply aimlessness or lack of direction.
When General Shepherd magnums you so hard in MW2 that you took a whole bottle of Ibuprofen.
Bro I fuckin lost faith in humanity when I Shepherd shot me and Ghost.
When you lost the blunt it means your boy friend / girlfriend is on the phone with the side piece .call they and cuss the ass out
Me :”I lost the blunt . Who you talking to right now “
Them “ don’t play with me I’m not on the phone with anyone “
An item taken from the lost and found that was not yours originally.
Check these sunglasses! What a great lost and find!
I was looking through the lost and found for a shirt I lost but I got this sweet lost and find instead.