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A black persona that thinks that they are not a democrat but talk, walk, and act like a democrat. A nigger will say they didn’t vote for joe Biden but they really did.

If they wear a mask while driving alone they are a nigger democrat. If they are white they are a ignorant joe Biden supporter.


You see that guy alone in the car wearing a mask?….


Yea, says Johnny. He must be a democrat!

by Ymphh March 21, 2022

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A word bigots and racists use of a person having a bit of rascist banter

Look at that nigger he looks like a fucking monkey he belongs in the jungle with the rest of the niggers

by Neek 69 March 5, 2022

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Nigger Nigger Pull The Trigger

Taunting someone that is holding a gun toward you. More than likely a nigger.

Nigger Nigger pull the trigger up and down the Ogeechee River

by FusionPanic August 10, 2008

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a very black human being who is taken advantage for his skin color.

hey bro dion is such a nigger.

by logandagoat February 24, 2021

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a Nigger in ancient times was a low class useless race of the human species. that was no good, wouldnt work, wouldnt learn education to be smart, and always starting trouble and fighting with everyone and rape women and little children...and was exiled to the corner of the united states because they got tired of them killing everyone....whew doggie sorry for the last bold expression it hurts remembering it.

you have to see this sentence in a demeaning sarcastic insincere way or accent to show no hostility and set them off..you must show this in case it goes on today and be like.... Hey Nigger... and dont do no hand gestures at all so they wont take it the wrong way or as a threat and try to kill you. its very educational, this method saved so many lives.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ April 22, 2022

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In the present-day English language, the word nigger is an ethnic slur, usually directed at black people. The word originated as a neutral term referring to people with black skin,1 as a variation of the Spanish and Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger (meaning the color "black").2 It was often used derogatorily, and by the mid-twentieth century, particularly in the United States, its usage became unambiguously a pejorative, racist insult. Accordingly, it began to disappear from popular culture, and its continued inclusion in classic works of literature has sparked controversy. Because the term is considered extremely offensive, published written media often replace it with the euphemism "the N-word".

That nigger is very smart.

by [SC] Heggs September 3, 2018

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Nigger is a word racist LOVES to use and black people find it very offensive so I recommend you don’t use this word at all even if your not around someone still don’t use it

You dumb black Nigger

by ILOVEFRIDAYS0127498 April 1, 2022

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