on may 16th is ask Duia out Day.
So if you know a Duia ask her on the 16th may out.
You: hey duia!
Duia: hey you.
You. I wanna ask you out today cuz it's national ask Duia out Day!!
Duia: yeah sure:))
On September 5th ask out your crush and its okay if they rejects you
National ask your crush out day on September 5th
Boy : Wana go out with me
Her: why me:becouse is national ask your crush out
Her :no
National ask your crush out day ok
I bet you won't
National ask your crush out day is today
Okay then tell her
H: Hey is November 11th (National ask out a girl day) go ask out someone
T: k Boomer
National ask out a girl day is November 5th so boys, ask out a girl you like don't be a pussy!
boy "will you go out with me?" girl "yes!" national ask out a girl day