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Johnny Boy

The jokester in the group. Always takes the joke a little too far. He's low-key kind of the glue guy, because everyone else in the friend group likes being around him.

"OMG who sent you that? Who do you think? Johnny Boy!"

by TryingThisOut November 23, 2021

Johnnie mae

Female name most likely named after her father or close relative. She is both strong and wise, her strength comes from her father and strong willed ancestors and her wisdom comes from her mother and /or female descendants. She is sassy, outspoken, intelligent with a heart as big as the ocean. Her humorous side is always ready, but on the flip don't cross or try her "that's not what you want ". Best friend you could ever have.

The meaning of the name Johnnie Mae is ....

by Jlovesav November 23, 2021

Johnny Lopez

He just a real as nigga

“who is that nigga with all the bitchesoh that’s Johnny Lopez

by KING fatass July 22, 2022

Johnny Zipper

An adjective describing someone who is so fugly or slutty that no decent guy wants to fuck them.

Instead of pursuing the fugly/whorish person the guy 'zips up his Johnson' at all costs.

Girl: 'Do you see that hoe making an ass out of herself? She is trying so hard but she's so ugly that no one will give her a chance.'

Other girl: 'Yeah, she's a total Johnny Zipper.'

by NatiHemptress February 17, 2011

johnny time

A polite phrase for when you would like to be alone, usually because you greatly prefer your own company to that of others.

Tina: "Hey everybody, where did Tom go??"
Nick: "He left, guess he just needed some Johnny time"

by Alfred123689123 January 28, 2014

Johnny Bong

A Johnny Bong is when a Stoner of the human variety smokes the weed in the method of a “Johnny” otherwise known as a “Joint” or “Blunt”, but instead of inhaling at the end of the rolled kush, the vessel of the Kush is inserted into a bowl piece on a Waterbong.

Stoner_HUMAN-1 : “Hey my bowl piece is partially broke and can’t hold much weed, Let’s Johnny Bong it!”
Stoner_HUMAN-2 : “Heck yeah! Good idea neighbor!”

by Totally-A-human_Stoner April 11, 2021

johnny rifter

a rolled marijuana cigarette

Pass that johnny rifter over here. I'll spark it on the bon bifter and take a hit, you cnut

by Diego Simeone January 30, 2007