Source Code

Rump Nuggets

dried flakes of shit around the anus due to much shite and not enough wipe

Rump Nuggets

by R0B1N December 27, 2008

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Club Nugget

a retard, or dork. Mostly used to describe an irritating person. Someone who is silly.

Person 1: 2+2=3
Person 2: ...Club Nugget..

Person 1: Why? D:

by Crazy Freshman February 12, 2012

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Scruff Nugget

A present day pseudo- hippie. Can often be found following the jam band festival circuit or withdrawing money from their trust fund.

Where did all these fucking scruff nuggets come from?
That trance band the farting bumblebees is in town
Want to run one over

by Greg Toland June 30, 2015

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fudge nuggets

1. a nugget that is covered with fudge
2. a saying when u lose in mario kart because of someone cutting across the grass with a star on luigi raceway on the third lap.

Guy: dude that guy just cut across the grass with a star on luigi raceway on the third lap and u came in last.
Other Guy: Fudge Nuggets

by Warx0rz 1337 June 8, 2003

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Chicken nuggets

(n, pl.) An exclamatory phrase of exasperation. Can be shortened to "nuggets" for those on the go. Also can be used as a derogatory name.

Greg: Hey man, how was the test?
Carter: Fucking hard. I bet everyone failed it.
Greg: Chicken nuggets! I'll never pass this class.

Lisa: Did you bring protection?
Greg: Oh, nuggets! I left it in my room.

Carter: Dude, you wouldn't believe this idea Greg and I had!
John: Ha, you chicken nuggets are high as fuck.

by Tomdabombadil November 24, 2013

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ChimKen Nuggets


are made from freshly cut pieces of chicken which are then passed around and covered up in the finest of the finest flour and then are fried to the perfect crunchy and crispy chimken nuggets

Man i wish i could make ChimKen Nuggets, they are even better than the McDonald ones ive heard!!!

by Retr0jay78 and Poopysoswag February 10, 2021

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An annoying word that is sure to catch attention of others. (n.) a person of complete entusiasm and hapiness even though they are annoyed
(v.) an overly annoying phrase that means to annoy somebody

P1- " So Stacy, Where can i get some pills?"
P2- " Dunno, but you are being a whoop-nugget."

P1- " I don't know what to do tomorrow. Any suggestions?"
P2- " I think you can woop-nugget your way into the gentlemans club."

by JabbaB November 4, 2007

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