ngl sexiest most shaggable man you will ever meet
that Kieran potter is the sexy as fuck
That of a pottery nature. Anything that is made of pottery
Its ceramic so you wouldn't think it would crack due to its potteric nature.
The stage of hair growth on a vagina that is longer than a 5 o'clock shadow but before it curls, traditionally creeping onto the sides of the inner thigh. Inspired by the Michael McShane character from Tom & Huck.
My Muff Potter looks like it's been drunk for 2 weeks straight and if you disturb it you could lose a finger.
It’s the military privilege of post war syndrome that make people think pictures move and past time is established.
Damn this Harry Potter syndrome my grandad that is dead keeps talking. I love him.
When someone thinks they are strong and smart, but are neither !!
Wow, he’s like Harry Potters Vagina !!
A club at most high schools made for nerds and gay kids who want to play with wands
Me and my boyfriend are going to Harry Potter Club.
Caucasian male that can consume heavy amounts of marijuana
My boy ben is a real “peter potter” he just smoked a Ounce