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cardinal rule

In regards to friendship, the cardinal rule is never dating your friend's ex-boyfriend. When a close friend and their hunny break up, being a friend means you dont try to date, mack, get with, or hook up with the ex. Breaking this rule defiles friendship and ruins bonds and all friendly love with the rule breaker in the circle of friends.

After Max broke up with Sid, Alexis, a 'friend' of Sid, broke the cardinal rule and started dating Max less than a week after the break up. Sid and Alexis' friendship was ruined and Sid soon learned that no one gave two squirts of piss about her emotions, regardless or what was said.

by Sidoese February 5, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule 93

It doesn't exist, but I found it. ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ )

HAY GUYS, I found rule 93 ^_^

by what is a internets? March 4, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cardinal Rule

An unwritten rule, that is collectively known and abided by society as a whole.

"If one gest jumped by the Bra Boys in Maroubra's Last Goon Party, and you quickly realize that there is more than one guy, one can exclaim the cardinal rule '1-V-1', meaning the gang must give you a fighting chance, taking you on one at a time."

by bigberg June 10, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

the only rule

If it can be taken advantage of, it will be taken advantage of.

The only reason that people get caught for insider trading is the only Rule.

by Semsolk December 8, 2017

Dave rule

The Dave rule states that in a male dominated STEM field, in order to not appear sexist, the number of women in a department must be greater or equal to the number of Daves

I only got the job because of the Dave rule

by samgreg January 3, 2022

Rule 34e

States that if porn is made of an existing entertainment franchise, show, or series, it is considered official to the mentioned series, because someone who is associated with the creation said franchise, show, or series made porn art of it.

Guy 1: Hey dude, did you know about rule 34 of Ed, Edd, and Eddy?

Guy 2: Yeah why? Its not like it actually happened.

Guy 1: No it happened, because on of the creators actually made porn of it. So it did technically happen, it just revealed in the show.

Guy 2: WTF!?

Guy 1: Rule 34e dude.

by SirDaveDinkles July 10, 2013

Rule 34N

Addendum to Rule 34 of the Internet, which states that if something exists, there is porn of it. Rule 34N simply adds that the time it takes to find porn of x is a function of the degree of mental-emotional distress you will encounter as a result of gazing upon said porn.

I invoked Rule 34 on scorpions last night. It took me three hours to find the porn, and a whole day of dry-heaving and washing my eyes out with bleach before I could get near my computer again. Next time I'll remember Rule 34N.

by meigwokyan September 12, 2013