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Sara is so beautiful

Sara is so beautiful

by Maliboooopete November 23, 2021


sara is a big slag, pussy hole. she’s a big pussy fart. she likes feet especially ones with fungus in between the toes. don’t trust her she will ruin your life. xoxo

“she’s such a slag, who is she?”
“she’s sara.”

by nutsackk6969 January 16, 2023


Her smile is like fresh warm sunlight. Her voice is calm, beautiful and gentle. Her personality is soft, warm, humorous and interesting. She would definitely make your day better. She is smart and confident. She is very cute and loyal. She is a very adorable person and definitely one you would want in your life. She is like a energy drink because her fun energy is contagious. She is also gorgeous and her hair looks beautiful.

person 1: hey that girl is amazing
person 2: yeah she must be a sara

by lonelyfans February 10, 2022


The best person ever. She is one of a kind. Someone who loves and cares for everyone. Out of anyone any guy would be lucky to be with her or even have her as a friend. She's smart beautiful kind and caring. She always worries about others with all her heart and works very hard. The most beautiful eyes in the whole wide world. They look like stars and if you look to deep you'll get lost in them. If you know her you wouldn't want to lose her in your life. The queen of real goon nation and one of a kind. Never less than awesome

Sara is the most beautiful girl in the world.

by y2k.s4r444 March 5, 2022


Someone that I met that was called Sara is sorta to ice stole all of my friends

My friend: we will be friends forever

1 week later..
My friend: Sara we will be friends forever

Sara: gives me a cheeky smirk

by Kiki_Chiara June 4, 2021


The best person I’ve ever meet

I love you, Sara

by Someone who is in love January 9, 2022


A disappointment

Sara is a disappointment

by KapiushonH December 23, 2021