The slang word for stab commonly used by chavs or roadmen.
I'll shank you bruv.-chav/roadman
Slang for stabbing
Commonly used among chavs and roadmen
I'll shank him bruv- angry chav or roadman
A shank is a knife this term is commonly used in drill songs
Don’t make me pull out my shank bro
Quirkiest creature alive, loves to hide in shrubs
If you don’t pronounce Shank’s name wrong, he will growl at you.
shank when properly applied, can be used as a replacement for any previously known swear words, including all 9 sailor words
I'm gonna shank you up mother shanker!
Hey lets go behind jubilee and shank all night long.
can be used as a name if you like or love someone it can also mean that you physically harmed someone
Shank: I shanked someone with a knife
Shank: Hey shank
A way for hibos who dosent know how to say thanks says thanks
Shanks for the money grandpa