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A man who is a girls prison bitch

A man who puts himself under a girl

I heard that Allen kid is a simp because he asked to be on the bottom.

by sadpeen69 January 17, 2020

535๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who will do whatever it takes to get a girl, including simping. However, even though the boys may make fun of another boy for being a simp, it does a success rate of 100.

Luke: Your so beautiful, i just want to cuddle all day with you because your perfect.
Casey: Aww your so cute.

(Lukes mates): HAHAHAHA simp

by lopsided cucumber April 15, 2020

221๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Simp

A guy that puts himself in a submissive position to get/keep a girl.They put too much value into a female.

E.g-Koen the simp lord

by @Doahminik.mp4 February 25, 2020

181๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a Simp chats up, flirts or spends more time than you do with your girl/boy friend. Be warned, If Dylan "the ginger" Woodridge enters your girls dms you will loose her. He will break into your girls dms cause he is a simp. he will use a crowbar.

Boyfriend "rats Dylan Woodridge just hoped into my girls dms"
Friend " damn you are about to be Simped"

by Simp Friend January 13, 2020

40๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb version of โ€œsimpโ€
To be โ€œin your feelingsโ€

Feeling emotional in a gloomy sense, usually about unrequited love.
Before becoming very common slang it was more often used to describe heterosexual men โ€œsimpingโ€ over a woman. More widely used now.

Iโ€™m kinda simping right now, maybe we can hang out tomorrow.

How do I stop simping?

Iโ€™ve been simping for weeks bruh, she said I look like Tupac.

by Gottaketchemall June 19, 2018

381๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


simp is when you will do anything to have sex with a girl

Im a simp

by CeoOfTikTokWordsDefinition February 9, 2020


Stands for โ€œSomeone Idolizing Mediocre Pussy/Penis.โ€ Also the synonym of PIMP. Now used as slang for treating a woman to well, especially one that doesnโ€™t like you back.

Micheal: Buys Chloe a Gucci purse and a new car*
Chloe: Thanks you so much bro
Thomas: What a fucking SIMP!
In this case Micheal is a big simp

by PogManTommy February 22, 2021