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Marcos is a very trust worthy and kind man , but if you ever get on his bad side your in big trouble. Marcos is someone who tends to talk to many women at the same time but as soon as he meets that one girl that catches his attention he only focuses on her and only her.

Yo marcos is so cool when he isn't mad

by dangman322 November 23, 2021


A sex god who pulls woman like he pulls tampons from women every night, A total hunk, and the alpha Male, in other words a giga chad

Person 1: Yo I know what I want to be like Marcos

Person 2: pfffft you’ll never compare

by Markzuckdaddy May 8, 2022


Marco is a persone who appearently looks like somebody calm, reserved and gentle. He is always willing to help you if needed, and especially, kindhearted with the people who love most.

But deeply under the surface a dark, blasphemous and insane Demon possesses him. Heavy Metal is his only belief and Satan his only Master.

666 voices inside are telling me that I have to die …
That is Satan Marco calling you from the dephts of the infernal world

by Devil_666 November 21, 2021


To plunder

This nation was Marcosed into abject poverty

by El Filibusterismo May 31, 2022


The most BOMBEST BADDY 🙌 with luscious eyelashes to the gods and a wonderful sense of humor. Could pull damn near any human bean on the face of this earth with his beautiful natural face but when he puts on a makeup lewk 💁 ♀️ It’s otherworldly okay. If you got a Marcos in your life, keep him and cherish him because you will NEVERRRR find another person as amazing as him. Slay.

“I was going to do a basic look today but then I thought, no. Marcos that shit up. And now I look like Rihanna

by Hashsmokinslayerrrr November 24, 2021

Marco Moses

Slang for a man whom doesn’t accept a child or a man that looses his woman to his family

I feel bad for him Marco Moses ruined his life.

I can’t believe Marco Moses doesn’t like her she is an angle how far are you?

by Adam Moses April 24, 2023

marco acosta

literally the hottest boy you’ll ever meet.
he’s sweet , charming, and treats women well.
he’s asian so he’s prolly packin😩

hey there’s marco acosta he’s so sexy

by nqmeless April 18, 2021