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Suck ya mum

An insult mainly used by 7 year old Fortnite players when they are angry with someone for not giving them a golden scar.

Billy: gimme that scar

Terry: nah g
Billy: well suck ya mum

by Fannyfucker420 April 22, 2021

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Suck your mum

An expression most twelve year old boys use as a way to express their insecurities to others

Johnny Jackson: oi mate, mans asking for a rubber, you get what I'm saying bruh?
Billie boi: Nah, that ain't what I'm about fam, go suck your mum

by The sponge who soaks October 6, 2018

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hows ya mum

a greeting commonly used, not only towards them, but the person you had last night

'Allo' say the
'y0' say joo
'hows ur mum?' say joo

by Phunin October 1, 2003

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Your mum is gay

Your mum is gay

Uhh your mum is gay

by Hi Danny October 29, 2019

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Your mum is gay

Your mum is indeed do a homosexing laughing out loud

Your mum is gay lol

by Horse Wanker February 21, 2021

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ye mum gay

the truth

hey, ye mum gay

by thanos succ boi May 24, 2019

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Yer mum gae

A term used by 9th graders with knockoff AirPods and cheap vapes

chad: yer mum gae
garret:shut up and let me borrow ur juul

by Thisistheonlytimeillmakeadefen January 25, 2019

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