Position is like what position you like in bed (making sexual intercourse), also a term used in league of legends as in what position do you play?
Girl: What position do you want to fvck in tonight?
Man: Whatever you like baby...
a position could be a way something is standing or sat like. or a way someone is facing.
Position is a direction of something.
"why are you facing the wall?" Dad said.
that's an example of a direction and also a position place is facing in.
They are know as positions or position
Ariana Grande's hit anthem, an ode to codependence for pick-me girls from the album with the same name. An inferior follow-up to her previous two amazing albums.
Positions is Pickmeisha's number one favorite song ever!
The way I literally FUCK Jessie' in every position possible♡
Plentiful Positions♡
‘Positions’ is a Studio Album by the musician & artist, Ariana Grande.
This album was her last (but not least) in her discography, her 6th album.
1: ‘Have you heard Ariana’s new album, ‘Positions’?’
2: ‘Yes, I have! It’s so good! My favorite track is ‘west side’.’
When a certain man puts both biceps overhead in class and leans back in his chair.
My teacher assumed the calvinklein position which caused me to have a severe heart problem.
Was the full-time position I was offered YOUR current position? Because I WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER. It wouldn't take much because you aren't much.
Hym "Because if that's the case you only have your full-time position because the nature of the position was withheld from me. You know that, right? And you're goingvto waste your life doing an inferior job and it isn't going to matter because it's ALSO a MEANINGLESS job. That's your life. Doing a less good job than I would. And if you want the work to get done faster SHOW UP AT 10 LIKE EVERYONE ELSE."