A cool NASCAR driver. I don't care what **OBVIOUSLY JEALOUS** Gordo fans think of him. He is the best NASCAR Driver alive. And we're going to keep supporting him even if he makes "stupid mistakes".
Tony Stewart, 2 Time Nextel Cup Champion. Go Tony!
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When liquid feces becomes pasted along the rim of a toilet. Similar physics of the brown matter are seen with Tony's wicket skateboarding moves back in the late 1990's. Not to be confused with the "upper-decker" (crapping in the tank) or the "ground-rule double" (crapping on the seat and letting the poop fall in).
College student: I ate some Taco Bell, some magic mushrooms, and a bunch of other garbage then pulled a Tony Hawk on the shitter. In retrospect, it was real bad case of the green apple slatters.
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A bloke from Manchester, responsible of the grooming of many punk bands in the 80s
Tony Wilson co-founded Factory Records.
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What you call a child predator/ The act of a child predator
Nooo! don't let him go to the preschool. he might pull a Tony Lopez
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Tony Lopez is a pedophile who texts 15 year old π€‘ So you better watch outβ οΈ
Hay did you see Tony Lopez new TikTok video
Oh yea the pedo who texts 15 year old π©
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"OmG hE assaulted A mINoR, tONy lOPeZ Is A piECE oF ShiT AhH"
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A small Italian man that likes all the hard drugs who has somehow some way made love to the entire state of Louisiana. Rumor has it, he was the original founder of the entire country of Italy and is the Pope.
Did u see Tony Rigatoni smash the state Louisiana last night?
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