Code for licking salty sweetness off a pair of giant boobs.
Me and baseball mom met up for watermelon margs, on Tuesday. Code for licking salty sweetness off a pair of giant boobs.
Something you don’t wanna have.
Oscar: Yo what happened to Amie?
Tommy: She got that yeasty watermelon.
Oscar: Oh no!
"once a potato arised out of the floor and said:
did you expect some sexifinitions to pop up ('sexifinitions' => weird term for sexual definition)
because if yes then then you ... you you you you like the average UB user
the potato illuminated them, they were to say this frase"
i definetly typed by hand" "In Watermelon Sugar" is an American " and looked what appear in my computer...
the urban dick-shannary is really funny ('dick-shannary' => a place where people play with little penises)
i think you need more of this by the way drink water and bye \/
Only the finest of tuts .... Big tuts
Wow man do you see the tuts on her!!
Dayum those are some big watermelon tuts!!!
When you are texting someone and they send you a watermelon emoji, it is to get your attention if you dont answer quick enough.
Did you just watermelon me?
Why did you watermelon me?
Sorry for watermeloning you.
A black, also know as a African. Darker than under the bed.
Cop: freeze
Jamal: fuck you pig!
Cop: I said freeze you koolaid watermelon chicken lover! Bang bang
Other cop: another monkey down!