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Romanian Weebs

The negative effects after Ceausescu's assasination. Pretty much average weeb but fluent romanian. Most of the audience is a 50/50 chance of 18-21 year old girl and highschool males.

--I got a friend somewhere in balkans who watches a lot of Naruto and AoT
--Sorry fam but he or she is one of Romanian Weebs

by KendricKendricKendrick February 5, 2022

Weeb Protector

The opposite of the Weeb Hunter. He protects weebs for a living. He lurks for a Weeb Hunter to get him and exposes him being a racist guy. A Weeb Protector has well relationships to weebs while making clear he is addicted to them. Weebs should give him more love or distance

Dont get to him he is a weeb
He is a Weeb Protector

by WeebSubmitter February 5, 2019

Weeb couple

A couple which are weebs and probally watch anime together and smash, but that's imposible female weebs doesn't exist

Female weeb + Male Weeb = Weeb couple

by FakeyBoi September 28, 2020

Weeb web

Another name for dark web

Weeb web😂

by Nonweeb August 1, 2024

weeb immunity

When your friend calls you a weeb but you're 1/6th Japanese so he's obviously wrong.

- Are you watching anime again? You're such a weeb
- Nah man I have weeb immunity

by Silverhunden April 30, 2019

Demolish a weeb month

One will chose a month and find a weeb that the person is friends with, or that they know and roast the shit out of them.

You: Hey! Its demolish a weeb month!
Weeb: huh?
You: Yeah! Your build like a fucking pear my guy! Because you probably sit on your ass all day watching anime!

by LB Delirious January 2, 2021

Warcraft weeb

A fuck head who uses the word weaboo incorrectly and plays WoW.

Person A: Fuck you weaboo
Person B: KYS warcraft weeb

by Kalamees February 15, 2017