A vicious whale that slams you 7 times in the water. It also has 5 rows of teeth with sharp claws that will rip your skin apart. If you ever encounter one, you're dead, considering that it is 100 meters long, 100 tons, and swims at an astonishing 100 mph. This is referred to as "The triple 100".
Watch out! There's a gigantic Crab Whale in the water!
When the female is on top whilst the man lies down face up she then proceeds to kick the man in the face repeatedly until he finishes
I did the foot whale last night
The act of swimming backwards and raising out of the water while showing your junk.
Did you see that reversed whale? What a big fin!
The real God. He created the seven wonders of the world. He fucked all the bitches. The Great Whale will mentally rape you with riddles that are only solvable by the elder whalers. Believe in the whale.
Any food that is unhealthy but is marketed as healthy.
I saw Ned eating low fat chips the other day. Those things are complete whale kale.
An obscenely large god awful fat ham-beast of a woman with an ass that is so incomprehensible that it makes your nutts hurt.
“Hey bro, you see that Meat Whale over there?Good god she’s making my nutts hurt over here.”
In the hood of New York City they use this word to refer to fat gangsters