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Teddy Bear

A chubby guy that loves to cuddle his girlfriend, protects her, has fun with her, and loves her to the end.

I love my boyfriend, my big teddy bear!

by Dr. GingerBeard April 27, 2015

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germy bear

1. When let gummy bear soaks in water and it EXPANDDDS while singing German songs

Jade: Whatch that gummy bear in the water
Christine: Whoaa! it expandsss
.....starts singing german songs from choir class...

by slooooots November 4, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A variation of the traditional T-bag named after the feared Australian predator the dropbear (large carnivorous Koala). This maneuver involves a regular T-Bag done from elevation or suspension and not from a standing position or any that involves you being level with the target. Similar to the actual drop bear this attack must happen from above!

Common attack techniques often include hanging from a tree, fence or even a complex rope and pulley system (rope setup usually not preformed by anyone less than Level 7 in shenanigans).

Dude!! theres a pube in my eye?!?!?

Oh yeh, drop-bear got ya when you passed out

by Gymsox August 10, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chicago Bears

Monsters of the Midway, beeeeoooottchhhes..... NFC North champs 2006... you heard it hear first...

Chicago bears rolled over the Green Bay fudgepackers, yet again

by teabag September 22, 2006

683๐Ÿ‘ 383๐Ÿ‘Ž

bear flag

A flag based on the concept of the rainbow flag (signifying gays in general). Instead of using traditional rainbow colors it uses the colors of bear fur and has a bear paw print in the upper left hand corner (indicating gay men who are bears).

1. The bear flag was a common site at the gay pride parade.

2. James was very proud that if he were gay he is hairy enough to display the bear flag.

3. His profile online showed a bear flag but when I met him in person he turned out to be a total twink.

by cmoney55 September 9, 2011

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Pudding Bear

A big, clumsy, yet lovable animal who can be seen wearing camo outfit as well as diving a big blue truck...skilled in the art of Afro enginering the pudding bear can also be seen fishing or mowing the lawn..the pudding bear is what is known for being "farm strong"...however it is terrified of snakes and lizards...it's only known enemy is the public school education system

That pudding bear is one badass mother fucker

by Pendaho July 13, 2009

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Green Bear


"We got so much Green Bear"

by rund3coy January 6, 2009

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