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Brazilian beaver

when the pussy is shaved/waxed so it is smooth and clean

"i got some brazilian beaver last night

she was smooooooth"

"fo dizzle"

by Readybreck August 29, 2009

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Beaver Dam

The opposite of Cock Block...

ie: if a female were to be striking a conversation and flirtation with a male...and another female were to infringe on her territory....that is a Beaver Dam.

by janamariewjpz March 7, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

fashion beaver

wen a teacher acts really gay or has sexual relations with a studnet

kelly:hey jermy
jermey:hey kelly want to stay after scholl for a little "study time"
kelly:by that you mean a little fashion beaver

by harrison miller November 26, 2006

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Sweaty Beaver

Although you may believe that this refers to something sexual, it does not. It refers to the large number of sweaty, short boys who don't shower and wear greasy fedoras and congregate in drama classrooms.

Eww...Look at that Sweaty Beaver over there. Oh, wait. That's just Duncan.

by Drama'10 June 18, 2010

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silver beaver

an ugly lesbian over the the age of fifty

Dude, did you see his mom, she had a total silver beaver haircut.

by nk1082 November 8, 2007

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Beaver Bounce

The female version of a Teabag, usually used to describe a very tall female, that could dunk a basketball, therefore her vagina would be in your face

That girl is really tall, she could probably beaver bounce me.

by DatCouga13 July 5, 2009

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Beaver Boy

A boy with rediculously large two front teeth. Often insecure about himself so he *her in the case of beaver girl* makes fun of other people, most notably tall people.

"Beaver Boy, no one loves you, piss off."

by Bleggggg March 25, 2007

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