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Bite My Shit

(v.)To copy or imitate someone.
(v.)To be jealous of another.

this niggas just tryin ta bite mah shit
stop tryin to bite my shit son

by the cat snatcher April 4, 2011

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mexican snake bite

it's a jaw breaking maneuver in which the victim's mouth is opened and placed in a "biting" postion on a street curb then the assailant gives a hard stomp to the back of the victim's head. causing the victim to suffer broken teeth, jaw or somecase's even death.

Paco-"did you hear the Juarez boys gave Joey a mexican snake bite."
Dave-"why'd they do that?"
Paco-"cuz Joey was talking too much with La Eme."

by juarez cartel March 10, 2004

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Boner Biting Batch

A prostitute that bites your cock off for fifty bucks!!

Steve: What the fuck is wrong with your dick!

Greg: It got bit off by a boner biting batch

by Sammy Saggysack August 29, 2008

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all bitch and no bite

all bitch and no bite: complaining without taking responsibility or action

The oversight committee was all bitch and no bite; they complained about management, but they never submitted any complaints to make things change.

by TooSick4U June 27, 2011

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Fat Man Bite

When an individual is lazy or tired and takes a bite out of food. The person takes his or her piece of food (Pizza, for example), holds it above their head, tilts their neck back, flips the food the other way (So the back of their hand is facing their head), and loosely puts it downward into their mouth. This is usually accompanied by a moan of delight.

"Steve was so high last night! He had a twinkie and did the Fat Man Bite on it."

by Bruk July 13, 2008

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used when refering to your date that used her teeth

Jake: So, how was your date with jackie?
Devin: it was good till i got her to suck it and she used her teeth.
Jake: That boner-biting-bitchface

by eternalflame August 28, 2008

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bite my clank

"Bite my clank" Known origins from Utah, USA, in or around the 1960's or 1970's. Used to reprimand in a joking manner...as in kiss my ass, etc. The "clank" that one is being told to bite can basically be left to the recipients imagination.

"Bite my clank", "KIss my ass", "buzz off", "bite my big one", "step off", etc.

by HugoDattaway November 21, 2013

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